Below are testimonials from clients. If you would like to read testimonials from my colleagues, CLICK HERE.

“Her editorial assistance was completely invaluable. I cannot overestimate her talents or her help to me.”
—Marianne Williamson, author of the New York Times bestseller The Gift of Change

“I have longed dreamed of the day when writing a book wouldn't be so difficult. When I discovered Nancy, that dream became a reality. She is a treasure whose organizational, research, and editorial skills are unmatched. Plus she's fun!!”
—Christiane Northrup, MD, author of the New York Times bestseller Goddesses Never Age

“Nancy is a creative coauthor who helped me identify the stories, themes, and points that were vital for getting my messages across and wove them into a compelling narrative. Her ability to capture my voice, and her responsiveness to my need to set the story straight in a media climate that pushes simplistic us-versus-them storylines, made for a great cowriting experience.”
—Jerome M. Adams, MD, MPH, Former Surgeon General of the United States and author of Crisis and Chaos

“I thank Nancy Peske for her persistent editorial expertise and creativity.”
—John Gray, Ph.D., author of the New York Times bestsellers Mars and Venus Together Forever, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and Mars and Venus in the Bedroom

“Nancy’s editorial insights and expertise at structuring complex material on nutrition and her ability to help me craft an engaging voice for the lay reader were instrumental in the success of my book The Diet Cure — now with over 100,000 in print."
—Julia Ross, author of The Diet Cure

“To my navigator, co-creative collaborator, the rhythm guitar to my lead, the multi-talented Nancy Peske, whose professional skill sets bring a polish and refinement to my images, ideas, and words. I am so grateful to your excellent counsel, guidance, and support. (Nancy is an excellent writer, editor, collaborator, efficient, and creative—and one of the best in the field of writing and publication. A joy to work with, most creative, personable, and gets the job done with joy and ease. Wonderful! Highest of recommendations!)”
—Ron Alexander, PhD, author of Wise Mind, Open Mind and Core Creativity

“Without (her) editorial insight and energy this book would have been longer, later, and nowhere near as good.”
—Ashton Applewhite, author of Cutting Loose and This Chair Rocks

“Believe, achieve, receive. Nancy’s amazing skills will help you sift through the publishing universe with ease. Always current, Nancy knows what publishers want and need. The pulse, the vessel, the heart. With her help, I sold my first manuscript to a major publisher, after only 5 submissions. Go with Nancy.”
—Omar Rosales, author of The Elemental Shaman

“I owe my gratitude and thanks to my editor, Nancy Peske, for her inspired hand and faultless pen. She has been a beacon of light in the difficult process of putting these ancient ideas to paper.”
—Alberto Villoldo, PhD, author of Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval;Yoga, Power, and Spirit; The Four Insights; Courageous Dreaming; Illumination; One Spirit Medicine; Grow a New Body; The Wisdom Wheel; Grow a New Brain; The Grow a New Body Cookbook; and coauthor (with David Perlmutter, MD) of Power Up Your Brain

“Nancy Peske’s insights and editorial guidance were very useful in helping me to get the book ready for publishing and in navigating the world of book publishing.”
—Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD, author of Change Your Story, Change Your Life, Change the Story of Your Health, and The Necktie and the Jaguar

“Nancy Peske is an extraordinary developmental editor. She understood my work with such depth and clarity and was able to deftly challenge me on my ideas. Because of her, I feel that I have a book that not only am I immensely proud of but will be still in years to come. I highly recommend her!”

“This book could not have been written without the invaluable gifts of Nancy Peske, whose talents and perspective have helped me to bridge the worlds of the magical and the mainstream. It is a service that only history can reward sufficiently, but she has my deepest respect and gratitude.”
—Phyllis Curott, author of Witch Crafting, Book of Shadows, and Love Spell

“Her talent and comprehensive eye helped us pull the various elements of the book together at the end to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.”
—Julie Morgenstern, author of Time Management from the Inside Out

“Nancy Peske’s support preparing my book proposal for submission was invaluable. I know that her skills and experience as an editor and writer gave me the edge that helped to get an agent and a publisher.”
—Elena Mannes, author of The Power of Music

“I have known I had a book to write for over six years. Only after I had connected with Nancy was she able to guide, assist, and pull the book out of me. Within several months, I had a completed manuscript, edited and accepted by a publisher!”
—Steven Heird, MD, FACS, author of To Hell and Back

“Developmental editor Nancy Peske is a master at weaving with words.”
–Karin Volo, author of the bestseller 1,352 Days

“It is easy to give you a strong recommendation based on our work together. You made the writing of my book a much more pleasant task. Although we have never met, our almost daily exchanges via telephone and email kept me very much on track. Your probing questions, and language suggestions continually pushed me deeper into the issues that are a significant part of How High Is Up?”
—Richard Gunther, philanthropist and author of How High Is Up?

“I’m very grateful for the clarity that Nancy brought to the manuscript in countless ways. She spurred me on to think about some things from another perspective, and that’s always a good thing.”
—Sarah Mane, author of Conscious Confidence

“My editor, Nancy Peske, played an essential role in shaping this book. She helped create clarity both in its structure and its wording.”
—Kate McGuinness, author of Confidence Lost, Confidence Found

“Nancy Peske brought life to my vision through her exceptional writing and insight as a person.”
—Debbie Magids, PhD, relationship expert and co-author of All the Good Ones Aren’t Taken

“I’m completely awed by her exceptional talent and deeply grateful for her dedication. Nancy is an exceptionally gifted woman.”
—Peggy McColl, author of the New York Times bestseller Your Destiny Switch, 21 Distinctions of Wealth, The Won Thing and Viral Explosions!

“Our special thanks to Nancy Peske, our stellar editor, for tough and true questions that forced us to deeper answers; for superb creative input when better writing was needed; for editorial assistance that felt like genius to us; and for brilliantly and artfully shaping the manuscript into this book.”
—Robert and Jane Alter, authors of How Long Till My Soul Gets It Right? previously titled The Transformative Power of Crisis

“Nancy Peske is an expert editor and writer who worked with me on my Hay House book, The Right Weigh. Working together with Nancy was a fantastic experience! She is so easy to work with and incredibly creative. I appreciated that she was diligent, reasonable in her costs, and met all our deadlines. She actually performed above and beyond what I expected. I would recommend Nancy to anybody who needs an editor, or just wants help getting their book done at a professional level.”
—Rena Greenberg, author of The Right Weigh

“A gifted editor . . . Her skillful reorganization and tireless attention to the lyrical flow of the material deeply enriched the spirit of my book.”
—Doris E. Cohen, PhD, author of Repetition

“It was such a rewarding experience working with Nancy. All of her suggested edits (even the ones I didn’t use!) were excellent, and I always felt I was in experienced, capable, and professional hands. Nancy’s platform suggestions are invaluable! It’s exciting as I move forward, and I have to say I owe a lot of that excitement to Nancy!”
—Pamela Turley, author of The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Men

“Nancy Peske’s writing and editing talents are absolutely unmatched: simply put, she turns words into gold. I would go to no one else for professional writing and editing advice.”
—Carmen Harra, author of The Eleven Eternal Principles, Wholeliness, and The Karma Queens' Guide to Relationships

“I am an experienced author who has sold 1.1 million copies worldwide. Nevertheless, I got stuck on book number four and was paralyzed for five years. In one conversation, Nancy gave me a piece of advice that simplified a complex problem and actually got me excited about the book once again. Thank you, Nancy!”
—Randi Kreger, Author of Stop Walking on Eggshells