Do you have a book in you?
If your journey, one with many twists and turns, has taught you life lessons that could benefit others . . .
If you have built an organization or business and you have not yet told the full story of where your dream began and how you were able to bring it to life . . .
If your experience of growth and discovery will resonate not just with people like you but anyone who wants to believe in the power of personal transformation . . .
It is time to seriously consider turning your story into a book.
After all you’ve lived through and learned, you have something vitally important to share: a story that will inspire and encourage others to believe that they, too, can transform their lives and their small corner of the world.
You have insights that will speak to readers’ hearts and minds.
While yours is a story only you can tell, you may need help writing your book. I know you want to grab the reader from page one and hold their attention through to the very last page. You know it’s not enough to list the events you experienced. Readers want books that are rich with ideas, insights, and stories that bring the larger story to life.
Imagine your book in the hands of a reader eager to discover the wisdom only you can share.
Perhaps you have started penning your memoir or autobiography or writing about the life lessons you have learned and want to pass along in a book that will serve as your legacy. Maybe you got stuck trying to figure out how all the pieces fit together, what to leave in, and what to leave out. Maybe you have a great idea for a book promoting your business or cause but don’t have the time or skills to write it yourself. Perhaps you hired someone to help you get started writing your book but found the process a chore or weren’t happy with the results.
Learning to write a compelling book can be a daunting and time-consuming challenge. More immediate projects may be competing for your time and attention.
I can help you achieve your dream and bring your story and message to life in the pages of a book. Let me ghostwrite your book for you.

I’m Nancy Peske. I’ve been a professional in the book business since 1987. I am a ghostwriter who has ghostwritten bestsellers.
As a professional ghostwriter for hire, I have worked with authors on many award-winning, best-selling books that have gone into multiple editions and sold globally. I have no need to impose my voice on your book. It’s yours I aspire to capture! You see, I’m a best-selling author on my own. I’ve cowritten an award-winning, best-selling book whose sales continue to amaze my publisher. I even cowrote a best-selling nonfiction book series that was turned into a prime-time television show by a major network that bought the TV, film, and merchandising rights, generating income for my coauthor and me for many years. It was fun to tune in each weeknight and watch the commercial for my book as the announcer said, “By Nancy Peske.” It was a kick to attend the launch party at the Ritz Carlton promoting my book and its ideas. I smiled when one of my books was reviewed in the New York Times, and I had a great time bantering with talk show hosts who interviewed me on national television and radio shows.
None of it meant as much as learning from a reader that a book I had worked on had dramatically altered her life for the better.

I want you to know that experience. I want you to feel that what you have lived and learned matters, profoundly, to someone you will never meet but who read your book. Knowing that your story made a difference in the lives of others is priceless.
Imagine changing lives with your words, your story, your lessons learned… Imagine the difference you could make in the world as a result of creating your book.
Sure, you can hire someone who will simply provide you with some forms to fill out, research a few facts that you might have misremembered, and string it all together in a series of grammatical sentences. But I know you want much more than that for your story.
You want a book that stands the test of time, a book with a message that will resonate for future generations.
If you believe your story deserves to be told in a compelling way that will make it appeal to people who have never met you and have no connection to you, and you are serious about hiring a bestselling ghostwriter to write your memoir, contact me.
I’m looking to help people who have a much richer, more profound intention of creating a legacy, a book that will change lives—a book that will change YOUR life as a result of our process.
I’ve written those kinds of books. I’ve ghostwritten that kind of book.
I can ghostwrite that kind of book for you.
You deserve a chance to make a difference in people’s lives through your memoir or life lessons book.
During the ghostwriting process, you and I will dive deep to identify the themes in your story, the unique aspects of it that can too easily get hidden behind the less-important details. Your life lessons will be brought to life with the remarkable stories you have lived and that I will render on the page as your ghostwriter. I know how to find the gold nuggets that you may not even realize are there. Are you ready to begin this rewarding process of discovery, reflection, insight, and revelation?
When are you going to start?
You can start now, with me, today, if you are committed in a big way to a book that stands the test of time.
My passion is to discover and breathe life into stories that deserve—no, need—to be told. I help people bring to life the books they were meant to write. I can help you tell your story by lending you my finely honed skills and talents.
As a ghostwriter, my job is to capture your personality and the way you speak. I am devoted to telling your story in your voice. “People can’t believe I didn’t write this all myself,” one of my satisfied clients told me. “I really feel it’s YOU in these pages!” That’s what I want people telling you after they’ve read your book.
Stories have been the way people have communicated since long before we had written language and books to preserve those stories for the ages. Now, with the Internet and the availability of eBooks, your stories and your insights will not be relegated to dusty bookshelves. Your wisdom will long outlive you because you’ve committed it to the written word.
The book you and I create together will live as a traditional book and as an eBook that can be made available worldwide to anyone who can benefit from the lessons contained within its pages, available to anyone who can benefit from the human story you have committed to share. I want you to hold a beautiful physical book you can take tremendous pride in. Every sentence in the book I ghostwrite for you will be carefully crafted.
And what do I require from you?
A commitment to honesty, to digging deeper, to answering my plea to give me more, to take me further into an understanding of what you know and how you came to know it . . .
Tell me a simple memory and I will show you how it encapsulates some important aspect of your character or story. That’s why you remember it. I’ve had enough clinical psychologists as clients to understand how our memories work.
I can draw them out of you.
I can take you on a journey of discovering just how deep the vein of gold, the wisdom that’s within you, runs.
I know how to do this because I’ve done it time and time again, to great success, with my clients. I have worked with many experts and big names on their bestselling books. I have challenged them to look deeper, to examine what’s below the surface of their ideas, to express their insights in a way that pulls readers in on every single page.
What Is Your Story?
What sort of story would you like to tell?
An autobiography is a telling of your life story from the day you were born until the present. It involves reflection, details, and a linear timeline of events.
A memoir is a life story that is focused on events and themes you find most meaningful and resonant. It can focus on a small slice of your life, perhaps a life-changing experience. Often, a memoir will start with a dramatic moment and tell the story in a thematic way rather than sticking to a strict, linear timeline. A memoir has a narrative arc that takes the reader on a journey of trials, tribulations, and triumphs.
A book of life lessons can be thematic, and even prescriptive if you believe you have valuable, practical guidance to offer the reader.
What do you want to write? And are you ready to join the list of those who have done the challenging work of bringing out the richness of their ideas and their stories on the pages of a book?
What I don’t require from you:
I don’t require that you write drafts of chapters. I will record our conversations and, if you like, I can provide audio files when the book has been completed. While we’re working, we’ll be on the phone, with me typing everything you tell me. Yes, I type that quickly. . . . And then I turn straw into gold.
I don’t require that you meet with me in person. My ability to hear your authentic voice is enhanced by the process of conversing over the phone or Skype rather than face-to-face. I know from experience that rich and nuanced discussions arise naturally when there are no environmental distractions.
I don’t require that you know how to write a book or tell a gerund from a gerundive. That’s my department. I majored in Latin; you don’t have to sweat the grammar with me!
Author and scholar Joseph Campbell spoke of the archetypal hero’s journey of persevering through darkness and discovering the source of one’s power. You have experienced a hero’s journey. It’s a journey that is universal but with unique details that give life to the narrative arc.
You may be ready at last to tell the story of your hero’s journey, with my help.
How do I know which details are essential and which don’t matter so much? For years, I condensed movies into 300-word descriptions that summarized the psychologically rich experience one could achieve by watching the film. The result was what USA Today called “a cultural phenomenon”: Cinematherapy. I don’t just watch movies. I watch for stories, and for the small moments that tell us everything.
I also help authors brand themselves. I assist them in choosing the stories from their own lives that reveal their strengths and vulnerabilities. These stories help readers see them as three-dimensional, and find themselves in these anecdotes that illustrate an author’s deeper ideas.
If it’s your book, you need to be fully present on the page. Your reader needs to feel you are talking directly to him or her. I can make sure that’s how your book reads.
Listen to what my satisfied clients have to say:
Endorsements for Bestselling Professional Ghostwriter and Editor Nancy Peske
“Her editorial assistance was completely invaluable. I cannot overestimate her talents or her help to me.”—Marianne Williamson, author of The Gift of Change
“I thank Nancy Peske for her persistent editorial expertise and creativity.”—John Gray, PhD, author of Mars and Venus Together Forever; Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus; and Mars and Venus in the Bedroom
“Nancy Peske is an extraordinary developmental editor. She understood my work with such depth and clarity and was able to deftly challenge me on my ideas. Because of her, I feel that I have a book that not only am I immensely proud of but will be still in years to come. I highly recommend her, although I hope to keep her super busy in the next few years!”—Colette Baron-Reid, author of The Map: Finding the Meaning and Magic in the Story of Your Life
“Nancy Peske brought life to my vision through her exceptional writing and insight as a person.”—Debbie Magids, PhD, relationship expert and co-author of All the Good Ones Aren’t Taken
“Nancy Peske’s writing and editing talents are absolutely unmatched: simply put, she turns words into gold. Just as importantly, her marketing sensibilities are incredibly well-honed and have personally helped me a tremendous amount in positioning my books in the marketplace. I would go to no one else for professional writing, editing, and marketing advice.”—Carmen Harra, PhD, author of The Eleven Eternal Principles and Wholeliness
“It was such a rewarding experience working with Nancy. All of her suggested edits (even the ones I didn’t use!) were excellent, and I always felt I was in experienced, capable and professional hands. Nancy’s platform suggestions are invaluable! It’s exciting as I move forward, and I have to say I owe a lot of that excitement to Nancy!”—Pamela Turley, author of The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Men
“I’m completely awed by her exceptional talent and deeply grateful for your dedication. You are an exceptionally gifted woman.”—Peggy McColl, author of the New York Times bestseller Your Destiny Switch, 21 Distinctions of Wealth, The Won Thing and Viral Explosions!
“This book could not have been written without the invaluable gifts of Nancy Peske, whose talents and perspective have helped me to bridge the worlds of the magical and the mainstream. It is a service that only history can reward sufficiently, but she has my deepest respect and gratitude.”—Phyllis Curott, author of Witch Crafting, Book of Shadows, and Love Spell
“Nancy is an excellent writer, editor, collaborator, efficient, creative and one of the best in the field of writing and publication. A joy to work with, most creative, personable, and gets the job done with joy and ease. Wonderful! Highest of recommendations!”—Ron Alexander, PhD, author of Wise Mind, Open Mind
“I owe my gratitude and thanks to my editor, Nancy Peske, for her inspired hand and faultless pen. She has been a beacon of light in the difficult process of putting these ancient ideas to paper.”—Alberto Villoldo, PhD, author of The Four Insights; Yoga, Power, and Spirit; Courageous Dreaming; Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval and coauthor (with David Perlmutter, M.D.) of Power Up Your Brain
“Her talent and comprehensive eye helped us pull the various elements of the book together at the end to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.”—Julie Morgenstern, author of Time Management from the Inside Out
“Believe, achieve, receive. Nancy’s amazing skills will help you sift through the publishing universe with ease. Always current, Nancy knows what publishers want and need. The pulse, the vessel, the heart. With her help, I sold my first manuscript to a major publisher, after only 5 submissions. Go with Nancy.”—Omar Rosales, author of The Elemental Shaman
“Nancy Peske’s support preparing my book proposal for submission was invaluable. I know that her skills and experience as an editor and writer gave me the edge that helped to get an agent and a publisher.”—Elena Mannes, author of The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song
“It is easy to give you a strong recommendation based on our work together. You made the writing of my book a much more pleasant task. Although we have never met, our almost daily exchanges via telephone and e-mail kept me very much on track. Your probing questions, and language suggestions continually pushed me deeper into the issues that are a significant part of How High Is Up?”—Richard Gunther, philanthropist and author of How High Is Up?
“Nancy’s editorial insights and expertise at structuring complex material on nutrition and her ability to help me craft an engaging voice for the lay reader were instrumental in the success of my book The Diet Cure — now with over 100,000 in print.—Julia Ross, author of The Diet Cure
“Our special thanks to Nancy Peske, our stellar editor, for tough and true questions that forced us to deeper answers; for superb creative input when better writing was needed; for editorial assistance that felt like genius to us; and for brilliantly and artfully shaping the manuscript into this book.”—Robert and Jane Alter, authors of How Long Till My Soul Gets It Right? previously titled The Transformative Power of Crisis
“Without (her) editorial insight and energy this book would have been longer, later, and nowhere near as good.”—Ashton Applewhite, author of Cutting Loose
“Nancy Peske is an expert editor and writer who worked with me on my Hay House book, “The Right Weigh.” Working together with Nancy was a fantastic experience! She is so easy to work with and incredibly creative. I appreciated that she was diligent, reasonable in her costs and met all our deadlines. She actually performed above and beyond what I expected. I would recommend Nancy to anybody who needs an editor, or just wants help getting their book done at a professional level.”—Rena Greenberg, author of The Right Weigh
“A gifted editor . . . Her skillful reorganization and tireless attention to the lyrical flow of the material deeply enriched the spirit of my book.”—Doris E. Cohen, PhD, author of Repetition
“I am an experienced author who has sold 1.1 million copies worldwide. Nevertheless, I got stuck on book number four and was paralyzed for five years. In one conversation, Nancy gave me a piece of advice that simplified a complex problem and actually got me excited about the book once again. Thank you, Nancy!”— Randi Kreger, Author of Stop Walking on Eggshells
Are you ready to dig deep, to commit to this process of creating a legacy book?
Are you ready to share with the world your triumphs, your moments of uncertainty, your lessons learned?
Are you ready to take the story of your life and write an inspirational memoir or guide that will make a difference in the lives of other people?
As a book publishing professional, ghostwriter, and freelance editor, I’ve been breathing life into stories and making ideas sing on the page for over 20 years. Now that I’ve met so many of my own goals, I choose to devote my time only to projects I feel make a meaningful contribution to the world.
I am looking to help you create an extraordinary book that will emerge from a deeply rewarding process.
Are you ready to take this journey with me?
Are you ready to make your dream a reality?
If you hire me as your professional ghostwriter, I will turn out a book that is ready to be published.
As a former in-house editor, I know the ins and outs of creating books and can ensure that the book that ends up in your hand causes you to beam with pride.
I can help you with the details of self-publishing. If you wish to approach a publisher, I can advise you about that based on my 20-plus years of experience as a book publishing professional.
Check out my personal web site located at